Friday, December 22, 2006

people make me angry, mostly girls

people just make me really angry
i wish that everyone could have a big reality check and get over themselves.
enough said.

Monday, December 18, 2006

basically, i hate finals =|

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

what a great way of describing things haha, mostly life in general. Have u ever talked to someone that you haven't talked to in a long time. You notice how they talk, you notice how they say yea the same way they did 4 months ago and you remember when they started saying it like that. Its amazing how many emotions a single conversation can bring up. It can bring up memories of laughter, of pain, of sorrow, of regret. It can bring up a history you have with that person or it can bring up the history you wish you had with that person. Sometimes you cant control who goes out of your life, although you can control who comes into your life and that brings me to my next subject. Friends, there great but you really need to monitor which ones you bring in your life. Are you bringing in friends that will hurt you, manipulate you, or friends that will love you and cherish you. Even if they do love and cherish you with all there heart and treat you amazingly, it still doesn't mean there supposed to be in your life. And i have learned this over the past 4 months. I have also learned that you need to keep a very positive mind set and not trigger sad emotions. Me, being a girl, i have a very hard time with that. I tend to bring up all the good memories i have with a person when i think of them and it covers the fact that they are not the same person they were when we were making those memories. I probably would not be as positive as i am right now if it were not for my friends of course, but mostly for my family. The thing with friends is that if they leave and you don't see them in a year, or even six months you are completely different people and you have that whole awkward hi and wow you have changed so much and the two of you are not as close as you used to be and not as comfortable around each other. The thing with family is you could go that long with out seeing them and right when they get back you would still be family, still be comfortable, still act the same and that is why you should cherish your family soooo much and lean on them and God of course.

Monday, December 11, 2006

ok, so im trying this new blogger thing
lately my life has been filled with alot of loss, and it has made me forget to look for all the things i have gained. I guess it all just depends on your attitude haha which sounds very cliche i know but there is alot of meaning to that. That leads me to my next topic, i think we over look things that are said to much just because of the rebellion that we all have. For example, I love you. You can mean so much or so little when you say that, but how are people supposed to tell? well im just trying to figure out this whole blog thing i will make a longer post later.

Friday, December 8, 2006