Monday, December 11, 2006

ok, so im trying this new blogger thing
lately my life has been filled with alot of loss, and it has made me forget to look for all the things i have gained. I guess it all just depends on your attitude haha which sounds very cliche i know but there is alot of meaning to that. That leads me to my next topic, i think we over look things that are said to much just because of the rebellion that we all have. For example, I love you. You can mean so much or so little when you say that, but how are people supposed to tell? well im just trying to figure out this whole blog thing i will make a longer post later.

1 comment:

Fire_Escape said...

madi youre amazing. and youve grown stronger despite all the pain youve been through. im glad we're there for each other every step of the way. =) i love you.